St Paschal Baylon Parish Picnic Rained —- IN.

SPB celebrates its ministries with a Sunday Mass and parish cookout, usually in early to mid-August.  This year, the event followed the 10:30AM Sunday Mass and was held on the Parish Grounds.

Even a torrential downpour couldn’t stop the 2022 picnic at SPB, which was set inside the parish’s Eymard Room. Over 100 parishioners enjoyed the hot dogs, hamburgers, and coffee, supplied by the Gilmour Council knights, who turned out 19-strong for the event. Parishioners brought their own side dishes and desserts. Fr Lane welcomed everyone and said a few kind words as the morning progressed. The event followed the 10:30AM Mass. This was the first time the picnic was held on the parish grounds. SPB’s Kevin Cavolo coordinated the event.

Gilmour Knights purchase and prepare the hot dogs and hamburgers, then serve the meal.  Prepping the charcoal starts around 9:30AM for the 11:30AM serving.  Set up of condiments, prep of cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and other fixings begins in earnest around 11AM.  About 15 knights are needed to cook, aluminum-wrap the sandwiches, and serve the food as the parishioners pass by.  Serving should last until 12:30PM, and cleanup of about 1 hour is expected. The 2022 picnic was held on August 21st.