The 2022 Parish Festivals are history. WHEW!
St Paschal Baylon celebrated its Spring Fling in May with amusement rides, food, games and music. The highlight was the school orchestra concert on Thursday night. Gilmour Council #310 provides financial support for the program booklet and when help is needed in the casino.
The Church of St Clare followed up in early June with its festival. At St Clare, the knights are primarily responsible for the festival planning and management itself, from the rolling of meatballs prior to the festival to the teardown of tables, chairs and tents at the end. Gilmour Council #130 also provides one of the raffle prizes, usually a big-screen TV. This is an enormous task and is well handled by the knights.
At St Francis of Assis, Gilmour knights sling the beer, manning and managing 2 beer trailers, as well as providing some setup and teardown assistance. The knights do meatball rolling, too, on a designated Sunday in April.
Manning the beer trailer