Our Local Council
Gilmour Council proudly serves The Church of St. Clare, St. Francis of Assisi and St. Paschal Baylon parishes, staying true to the Knights of Columbus founding principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism by:
Supporting Our CHURCH and Parishes
Volunteer at all 3 parish festivals
Purchase, prepare, and serve food at the SPB parish picnic and at the annual Breakfast with Santa to benefit the SFA PTO
Pray the Rosary weekdays at CSC
Support our diocesan seminaries with collections at meetings and events
Provide annual direct tuition assistance to 4 seminarians at St Mary and Borromeo Seminaries
Annual financial gift to all 3 parishes
Supporting the Community
Raise funds for religious Special Needs programs
Sponsor picnics and breakfasts for special needs families
Participate in Rainbow Camp picnic day for inner-city children at St Augustine in Cleveland
Provide VA support, refreshments and visitation to hospital patients
Prepare and serve hot meals at the St Philip Neri Hunger Center in Cleveland
Collect food for the needy and underprivileged, supporting 3 parish food banks
Honor an annual Bluecoat of the Year
Provide speakers at open council meetings
Supporting our Youth
Sponsor and manage the annual KofC Free Throw Contest at our three parishes
Encourage Catholic Education with Tuition Assistance Grants for all three parish schools (3 parishes x 4 grants @$500 each per year)
Sponsor an annual Youth of the Year campaign at our three parishes, with a $500 tuition assist
Support and guide parish-based Boy Scout Troop at CSC
Support local Eagle Scout projects
Involve the grade school children in our food collection for the needy
Supporting our Council Family
Provide an annual council Family Picnic
Host an annual Christmas Party for our brothers and their families
Sponsor bowling and golf leagues
Offer an annual Memorial Mass for our deceased brother Knights
Conduct condolence wake calls for deceased brother Knights
Celebrate annually our council founding in 1898
Utilize our big screen at our Boys' Knight Out fellowship meetings featuring a Cleveland Browns evening game.
Throw an annual fundraising clambake
Share the news of adjoining councils and their events
Initiate and advance candidates for knighthood with our degree ceremonial team
Publish and otherwise communicate the events of the KofC 4th Degree assemblies in our area
Supporting the Catholic Culture of Life
Purchase ultrasound machines for women’s health clinics
Support Catholic radio station 1260AM The Rock, WCCR with a monthly stipend
Subsidize bus expenses for the annual Washington DC March for Life
Hold semi-annual Rosary-For-1st responders rallies in Lyndhurst
March and pray at local abortion clinics
Fund KofC Supreme Catholic Advocacy