The Blessed Fr. Michael J. McGivney
Blessed Father McGivney: Knights of Columbus founder beatified
Father Michael McGivney, the young parish priest who founded the Knights of Columbus in 1882, joined the ranks of the blessed October 31, 2020 during a beatification Mass at St. Joseph Cathedral in Hartford, Connecticut.
Reading an apostolic letter in Latin from Pope Francis, Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, New Jersey — the pope’s representative for the liturgy — announced that Blessed Michael McGivney, “whose zeal for the proclamation of the Gospel and generous concern for the needs of his brothers and sisters made him an outstanding witness of Christian solidarity and fraternal assistance,” will have his feast day on Aug. 13.
The Blessed Fr. Michael J. McGivney
Founder, Knights of Columbus
The Blessed Fr. Michael J. McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus in 1882 at St. Mary’s Parish in New Haven, Connecticut. At a time when many Catholic immigrants found themselves in dangerous and vulnerable positions, Fr. McGivney saw the need for an organization to take care of those left behind by the death of the family breadwinner. This organization is committed to our principles of Charity for those in need, Unity as a Catholic organization, Fraternity with our brother knights and their families and Patriotism as the Knights remind the world that Catholics support their nations and are amongst the greatest citizens.
Today, the Knights of Columbus and their families remain true to these principles and work to spread our Catholic faith, morals and values in our parishes, communities and around the world.