Measure-Up is the Knights Of Columbus’ program that supports children with Special Needs. Each spring, Gilmour Knights, wearing yellow aprons and holding coffee cans, collect donations at the doors of our three parishes at the regular Sunday Masses. Funds collected are sent to the Ohio State Council. 20 percent of the funds are retained by the State Council for its special needs purposes, and 80 percent is returned as checks payable to the Special Needs charities designated by the local council. Gilmour supports the St Clare Special Needs School and Koinonia Homes, headquartered in Independence, OH.
Gilmour Council’s Measure-Up program also sponsors its Kinkopf Special Needs Picnic (Mayfield Hts park pavilion) in June and a Special Needs Mass and breakfast at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine (Euclid) each August.
Annual Kinkopf Picnic for Special Needs Residents and Their Families at Mayfield Hts City Park
Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine in Euclid
Family Breakfast at the Our Lady of Lourder Shrine Cafeteria